Welcome to my personal homepage! I am a senior lecturer at the Ariel University, Israel. I obtained my PhD degree from the Tel Aviv University in 2014. My current research interest is in the game theory and its applications to the political economy and to the industrial organization.
Selected publications
A. Jelnov, Y. Tauman: "Voting power and proportional representation of voters". International Journal of Game Theory, Volume 43, Issue 4, 2014, pages 747-766
Erratum: DOI: 10.1007/s00182-015-0483-9
A. Jelnov, Y. Tauman, R. Zeckhauser: " Attacking the unknown weapons of a potential bomb builder: The impact of intelligence on the strategic interaction". Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 104, 2017, pages 177-189
A. Jelnov, Y. Tauman, R. Zeckhauser: "Confronting an enemy with unknown preferences: Deterrer or provocateur?", European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 54, 2018, Pages 124-143
A. Jelnov, D. Klunover: "When does the private provision of a public good prevent conflict?", Economics Letters, Volume 192, 2020
A. Jelnov, Y. Tauman, C. Zhao: "Stag Hunt with unknown outside options", Economic Theory, Volume 72, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 303-335.
A. Jelnov, P. Jelnov: "Vaccination policy and trust", Economic Modelling, Volume 108, 2022.
A. Jelnov, K. Klunover: "Speed limits", Economics Letters, Volume 213, 2022, 110368.
R. Gradwohl, A. Jelnov: "Partial credence goods on review platforms", Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 148, 2024, Pages 517-534.
Contact information
E-mail: [email protected]
Selected publications
A. Jelnov, Y. Tauman: "Voting power and proportional representation of voters". International Journal of Game Theory, Volume 43, Issue 4, 2014, pages 747-766
Erratum: DOI: 10.1007/s00182-015-0483-9
A. Jelnov, Y. Tauman, R. Zeckhauser: " Attacking the unknown weapons of a potential bomb builder: The impact of intelligence on the strategic interaction". Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 104, 2017, pages 177-189
A. Jelnov, Y. Tauman, R. Zeckhauser: "Confronting an enemy with unknown preferences: Deterrer or provocateur?", European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 54, 2018, Pages 124-143
A. Jelnov, D. Klunover: "When does the private provision of a public good prevent conflict?", Economics Letters, Volume 192, 2020
A. Jelnov, Y. Tauman, C. Zhao: "Stag Hunt with unknown outside options", Economic Theory, Volume 72, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 303-335.
A. Jelnov, P. Jelnov: "Vaccination policy and trust", Economic Modelling, Volume 108, 2022.
A. Jelnov, K. Klunover: "Speed limits", Economics Letters, Volume 213, 2022, 110368.
R. Gradwohl, A. Jelnov: "Partial credence goods on review platforms", Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 148, 2024, Pages 517-534.
Contact information
E-mail: [email protected]